Sep 8, 2011

Kroger Dallas/Fort Worth: No More Double or Triple Coupons


This is a SAD day for me and I will assume many of you.  I got confirmation in today’s ad that Kroger will no longer double or triple coupons beginning September 14th!  Wow, no heads up from anyone on this one.

Here is what the ad says…
“We gladly accept coupons. Manufacturer or digital at face value. Beginning September 14 we will no longer double or triple coupons. See store for details.”
This is going to change a lot for those who use coupons.  Will you consider shopping at Tom Thumb and Albertsons instead now?

Kroger has always been my store of choice because of their coupon policy and on average the prices were better than their competitors.

Albertsons, Tom Thumb and Brookshires (Forney Store) are still offering double and triple coupons. Tom Thumb and Brookshires will only double one like coupon. Albertsons was doubling up to 4.
My advice- check your pantry- check your coupons and stock up on anything that you may need.
What can we do?  Let our voices be heard!  You can call…

Bill Breetz-President for the Texas & LA area- 713-507-4802
Jennifer-his assistant-713-507-4803
Kim-another assistant-713-507-4804
Keith Schumaker-Regional Manager-972-675-2111

There is a website called Bring Back Doubles after Kroger eliminated double and triple coupons in Houston.  Get the word out to the media, share your thoughts on Facebook and contact your local Kroger store to share your unhappiness.  Maybe as a collective voice we can help them understand how important their store has been to us in the past and how this might change the way many of us shop!

Stay tuned as I’m sure we’ll hear more on this matter!

Thanks, mydallasmommy

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