Oct 20, 2011

Chipotle $2.00 Meals on Halloween!

Halloween is always so hectic getting everyone ready for trick or treating that fixing dinner is the last thing I want to do!  Looks like I’ll be heading to Chipotle this year with the family for only $2.00 a person – can’t beat that deal! :)  I happen to love the Burrito Bowls, so it will be a real treat for me.  The best part is Chipotle is donating all the money they make that night to the Chipotle Cultivate Foundation and Farm Aid, up to $1,000,00!  You have to come dressed up in something inspired by the family farm.  So get your thinking caps on.  Read more about it here.
Helping a good cause, eating something I love for cheap and no cooking on Halloween.  Sounds like a deal too good to pass up!
Thanks,  I Love That Deal

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