Nov 6, 2011

You are addicted to coupon crack if...

I read this "You are addicted to coupon crack if..." somewhere and I remember chuckling, thinking it was pretty funny, but I was not addicted to coupon crack. Well, I think today I had a revelation. I have been looking for shelves to put in my garage to free up some space in the house. However, they cost a little over $50 for the large ones and $20+ for the smaller sizes. I told myself I would wait for a sale.. and I have been waiting.. not so patiently.. but I have.

So, today I was on my way back home from going on a walk with my friend Megan and my little humans when I spotted this on the curb! It was 6 houses down from my house! The only problem was how to get it home.. I wanted it right then and there.. I didn't want anyone to take it!

Maybe I can just drag it.. I  thought, but that didn't work, I couldn't push the stroller with one hand and pull those shelves because they were pretty darn heavy. So, I said a little prayer and headed home to get the little humans fed, bathed, and ready for bed. I was really trying not to think about those shelves and take my normal time doing the bedtime routine but I have to admit that the "jeez kid, can't you eat just a little faster, just tonight?" thought did cross my mind once or twice. Once I put them in bed, I had just the plan. I would use my mighty stroller to carry the shelves in!  Thanks to my little prayer, they were still there! It took 2 trips but I did it! 

They were a little broken, I couldn't set them on top of each other but leaving them side by side worked just fine! I was able to finally move some of my stockpile out of the house and into the garage! So, I guess I can say that "You are addicted to coupon crack if you hurry your kids to bed so you can get some broken shelves  that someone left on the curb in order to move your stockpile to the garage". Hello, my name is Leide and I am a couponholic. LOL

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