Dec 13, 2011

2 Free Spinbrush Toothbrushes at CVS Starting 12/18! (Money Maker)

Spinbrush For Kids Battery Powered Toothbrush, My Way, Girls

On December 18th, CVS will have the new Arm & Hammer Spinbrush Pro-series toothbrush in stock! 
The Spinbrush is a two battery-powered toothbrush that is affordable and effective! I can't wait to get my hand on these! My son is just now starting to enjoy brushing his teeth! Even better here’s a great deal you can get:

Buy: Spinbrush for $6.99 ExtraBucks offer $3.00
-$1.00- Use SS 12/11/11
Or use this printable for $2/1
Plus you can use the mail in rebate offer in the 12/11 paper and get up to $10 back when you buy 2 Spinbrushes! That makes these a MONEY MAKER!


  1. Love this! I need to get my Bailey one.

  2. I already let the manager know that I will be getting a couple myself so he could order extra :)
