Dec 7, 2011

Look what UPS brought!!

I told you guys my printer died so I got this great deal at Staples, paid $40 for this laser printer. I also got my pumps! These were $7.99!!! And they fit perfectly! What a great day!!!
P.S. I saw the UPS truck through the window and opened the door as the UPS driver was coming with the packages, since I was still in pajamas I didn't make much eye contact (don't judge me, this is a very cool perk of staying home.. wearing pajamas whenever you want!) Anyway, he hands me the packages and says to me: "Hey, I think you used to work at my school!" I instantly looked up and recognized him! He was one of the kids who I never had but was always in my class! Besides the fact that I was mortified that he saw me in pajamas, I was very glad that he found a great job with great benefits! Moral of the story: Don't answer your door in pajamas.. it might be one if your old "students"!!!!

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