Jan 14, 2012

2 Inserts tomorrow!

There will be 2 Smart Source Inserts Tomorrow.
Here is an idea:
I am sure you have noticed that most Dollar Trees have put a limit on how many papers you can buy. Well, that is because some of us were buying 20 at a time and all the people who actually want to READ the paper are left with none. So, since you don't need 3+ newspapers, take out your coupons, you can keep a copy to read, but why not give the rest to the cashier so she can give to anyone who actually just wants to read it? It would be free for them since you already paid for it. Just an idea for giving back to our community! Besides, I don't know about you but my recycle bin is very full at the end of the week so this should help!


  1. Did you get two inserts? I had to buy the Dallas paper this time and it only had one SS insert, and no RP inserts at all.

  2. Yeah, there should have been 2 SS Inserts, i got 2
