Jan 22, 2012

YUMMY treat for you! Peanut Butter Squares!

Valentine’s day is right around the corner....what says "I LOVE YOU" more than a basket of homemade goodies??!!  I found this DELISH recipe on The Vegan Stoner blog and I wanted to share this with you!  I don't know about you but I have gotten several coupons for chocolate and peanut butter recently....and ever get stuck buying a piece of plain chocolate for $0.25 as a filler item to get your rewards at Walgreens??  Now that's a SAVVY way to save!!  Anyway, here is a great idea of how to turn ordinary chocolate and plain peanut butter into a YUMMY treat!  ENJOY! 

(click the image to link to the recipe)
Pinned Image

Thanks again The Vegan Stoner!!

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