Sep 22, 2011

Free Night of Theater Around the United States

The theater!  Who doesn’t love the theater and all that comes with it?  The excited anticipation that comes from awaiting the opening act.  The crowd gathered in reverent awe as the show begins.  The talent, the lights, the brilliant red curtain aglow from the stage lights above.  If only the tickets weren’t so expensive.   For those of you who share this love of the theater, great news has just arrived.  Believe it or not, there’s a program out there with free tickets written all over it!

For six years, the Free Night of Theater program has been introducing Americans to regional theater with free tickets. To date, more than 250,000 theatergoers–many of them first timers–have sampled the many excellent theaters around the country in places like Austin, Minneapolis, Cleveland and Sacramento.

This year, the program is working a little differently. You don’t have to be a first time theater goer, just passionate about the stage. For performances throughout October, America’s theaters in 21 cities are offering free tickets. Tickets are by lottery this year, so you have to register and take your chances. There’s no obligation, so why not? The registration dates vary by city. You can read all of the details on the Free Night of Theater Web site. Participating cities for 2011 include Chicago, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Kansas City, New York City, Austin and Seattle.

The Free Night of Theater is a great opportunity to introduce your children to live theater or treat yourself to a night out. If you win, you can even plan a fall getaway trip around the tickets and reduce your entertainment costs.

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