Oct 18, 2011

Extreme Couponing Tip: Blinkies 101

Extreme Couponing Tip: Blinkies 101

Blinkies: Coupons dispensed in store from black plastic boxes with a blinking red light hanging on the shelf (also known as Smartsource Coupon Machines). Blinkies are meant to increase impulse buying, advertise a new product, or encourage purchasing a particular brand over a competitor’s.
Fine print: Blinkies are for specific products and sizes.  Ensure that you have the right quantity listed and check that the expiration date has not passed.
Blinkie etiquette: Like peelies and tearpads, we want to make sure those that shop after us also get the chance to have access to the coupons. Leave some for others, and don’t take more than you will use.

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