Oct 28, 2011

Johnson & Johnson First Aid Kits just $.24 each!

Register to print a coupon good for $1.50 off any two Johnson & Johnson Red Cross Brand Products. Use this at Walmart, Target or almost anywhere else where they sell Johnson & Johnson Red Cross Travel Size First Aid To Go kits for around $.97-$.99, so just $0.24 each with this new coupon!

I even keep one in my diaper bag! You never know!

Thanks, Hip 2 Save!


  1. DO they mail the coupons?? I registered and got a pop-up that said: Thanks for registering to receive the special offer from J&J.
    No Qs printed.

  2. Ginger, here is one of the readers said: "In order for you to be able to print your coupons, you must first turn off your pop up blocker. Worked like a charm after that!" try that and let me know!

  3. Got it!
    Had to figure out how to disable pop-ups in Chrome. Such a tiny little icon. lol

  4. Hahaha that has happened to me many times! :) Glad you got it working!
