Nov 14, 2011

CVS: Better than FREE Gillette Shave Gel

WooHoo! I have some great news for all you CVS shoppers! The Gillette cartridges/Shave Gel Extra Buck deal that I highlighted in the weekly deals is even sweeter than I thought! You see, the trial size Gillette Fusion hydra shave gel is actually working for the ECB deal, which means better than FREE shave gel! Here’s how…
*Buy Trial size Gillette Fusion Hydra Shave Gel 2.5 oz $2.37 (price will vary a little by region)
Use the $1/1 coupon found in the 10/30 PG
Pay $1.37
Get back a $2 Ecb
Final cost FREE + a $0.63 moneymaker!

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