Nov 28, 2011

Free Holiday Decorating: Turn Your Fridge Into a Snowman!

Christmas is the one time of year that I really get caught up in decorating all parts of my home.  No place is safe :).  But so far, my fridge has remained untouched.  After seeing these adorable snowmen, however, I think that’s going to change!
  1. Clear your fridge of kids’ artwork, sports schedules, etc.  If you’re like me, this could take a while!
  2. Cut circles of different sizes.  You’ll want two eyes, five for the mouth and three buttons.  You can use scrapbook paper or construction paper.  Then tape them to your fridge.
  3. Cut an orange triangle for the nose and tape it in place.
  4. Cut wrapping paper into three strips and tape on as the “scarf”.  Cute, simple and free!

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