Jan 9, 2012

Finish Powerball Tabs $.24 at CVS!

CVS has Finish Powerball Tabs 20 ct on sale for $3.50. Check out this crazy scenario!!!

Finish Powerball Tabs 20 ct $3.50
Buy 9 for $31.50
Use 9 $2.15/1 Finish Quantum, Powerball or Gelpacks, 25ct 01/01 SS 
Pay $12.15 OPP
Receive $10 ECB
Final Price: $2.15 for 9 of them, or $.24 each! 

Now, looking at the coupon wording, you may be wondering why I’m telling you to use a coupon that states 25 ct on a 20 ct item.  

Well, they posted this on the Finish Dishwashing Facebook page:

It clearly states that it can be used on ANY Powerball Tabs or Gelpacs, that the size restriction is only for the Quantum model.

The CVS on Risinger and Hulen has these in STOCK, and if they run out make sure you talk to CARLTON so he can order you some. You will have to come in this Friday or Saturday to get them because CVS cannot issue rainchecks on Cashcard deals


The coupon states you can  use a MAX of 2 coupons per transaction.
Happily CVS,  “tracks” your purchases when you use an their shoppers card.  So, simply split this up into 5 transaction, 2 boxes each and you’ll get your $10 ECB after you purchase all 9 of them.  You can also combine with LOTS of other items.  Check out the weekly CVS ad for more details.

Thank you so much for this clarification fabulleslyfrugal

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I think I will do this one first and then use the $10 gc toward my all laundry detergent deal! I'm so excited. I told Brandon he is going to have to build me some shelves. I am getting stocked up on a few things.
