Aug 26, 2011

ERCOT Calling For Conservation of Power! Help Us Save!

Time to cut back on your energy! With the start of school and the continued heat, ERCOT is concerned about the energy levels in North Texas. In fact, it’s calling for conservation in “after school hours” (3-7 p.m.), the hottest time of the day.

Here are a few suggestions:
-Limit the amount of time kids open the refrigerator for after school snacks.
-Wait to watch television until after 7 pm. If you have to set the DVR to record their favorite shows.
-Focus on homework rather than TV or computer games
-If homework requires the computer, use battery power rather than having it plugged in.
-Hold off on showering or bathing until after 7 pm – the steam from a shower will trigger the AC.
-Avoid using the oven or stovetop. It’s best to cook outside on a grill to avoid heating up the kitchen.

Get your kids involved in the conversation of energy. You can find an at-home energy audit for kids to learn about how much energy our homes consumes. It’s available for free at

How are you conserving energy this summer? Let us know so we can pass along your tips to our readers.

Thanks, mydallasmommy

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